plan sifter fs 3000
The ENGSKO plan sifter for sifting and separating grits into different sizes. The plan sifter can also be used for sifting materials in other industries. The sifter operates similarly to the hand-operated sieve. The product is fed through the opening in the board to the inlet sleeve and passes through subsequent stack frames to be sized into fractions.
Individual fractions are let out through sieve box channels to the lower frame and further to outlet sleeves and stub pipes. From here the product is led to further processing or bagging off. Depending on the milling requirements, the frame stack may be equipped in various throughput variants or numbers (7/12), which should be defined when ordering.
- Excellent sifting results due to the use of adequate self
- Cleaning elements
- Large sifting surface and capacity with low power consumption and small space requirements
- Simple creation of new configurations by turning or transposing the frames
- Reliable and simple drive system
- Easy operation
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