
Explore our range of high-quality accessories for stone grinding mills. Our accessories, including plan sifters, rotary sifters and Jacob Pipework Systems, are designed to optimize your grinding process and keep your mill running smoothly. Enhance your stone milling experience with top-quality components.

Shipping international

Danish design 

More than 100 years of experience


Engsko offers plan and rotary sifters. FS 1000 which has 4 outlets, Plan Sifter FS 2000  and BD 150 which has 3 outlets
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Jacob pipes

Jacob pipework systems

Engsko represent Jacob Pipework Systems in Denmark. With it's modular pipe system - in combination with a proven and innovative pull ring system, Jacob Pipework System have the highest demands with regard to quality of workmanship and function
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Here are some of the most common questions about Stone Milling

Yes, we have spare parts avaolable for our whole range of grinding mills, sifters and accessories

Stone Milling is a special craft so knowing how to mill with stone mills is a must. We offer training on site to all our customers

A Stone Grinding Mill can grind different types of grains, spices, and coffee. 

The product is ground between two millstones: a stationary stone and a runner stone.

Yes, not only is it healthy because it contains a natural balance of starch, protein, vitamins, and fibres, but it also preserves the essential vitamins B and E..

You can grind all types of grains, different types of spices and coffee on ENGSKO grinding mills

Yes, to all countries by air, sea and land

Yes, we have a full installation team that we will send out; both for installation, training and commissioning

The mill stone will last several years, depending on what you grind and how many hours per day you operate. 

As an overall, our mill stone will last up to 3 years before you need to change it. 

This is based on running the stones 8 hrs per day for 6 days per week. 

The millstone can be re-dressed up to 3-4 times

  • Our Baker´s Choice Milling Plant requires 30-50 sqm for operation.
  • Our Miller´s Choice 250 will require 75-100 sqm.
  • Our Miller´s Choice 500 will require 100-150 sqm.
  • Our Miller´s Miller´s Choice 1000 will require 150-200 sqm.

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If you have any questions, please fill in your details, and we will be in touch as quickly as possible.