SDG's and how we contribute

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a collection of 17 global goals set by United Nations in 2015 for the year 2030. ENGSKO has since the beginning pledged to follow and contribute to the SDGs in any way, through our way of doing business. The SDGs are:

Goal 1No Poverty 
Our solutions will reduce poverty in village communities by giving local small-scale farmers the opportunity to mill flour with new technology; thereby scaling up their production of flour, hereby create jobs.

Goal 2 – Zero Hunger
By setting up our milling solutions and hereby creating a higher production output, village communities will be able to better support themselves. For humanitarian crisis, our solutions will help end hunger by producing flour on the ground and inside refugee camps.

Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-Being
Stoneground flour ground between two ENGSKO millstones contains an organic and natural balance of starch, protein, vitamin and fibers. The grain is ground in a single pass through – retaining and integrating the germ oil. The essential vitamins B and E are preserved.

Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
Village communities and cities will be able to do sustainable production with ENGSKO Small Scale Milling Solutions; even going back to the “ancient” grains they have used before instead of imported wheat.

Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption & Production
Our technology is timeless and does not need much energy consumption to run. We have milling solutions that runs on solar energy, hereby reducing the use of both electricity and fuel.

SDG project with DanChurchAid

DanChurchAid has received a grant from P4G (Partnerships 4 Growth) – an organization set in place to bring public-private partnerships together within Food & Agriculture and with a UN mandate – to develop a nutritious biscuit for malnourished children in Ethiopia. It is the goal to be able to produce a biscuit with a local manufacturer in Ethiopia using technology from Danish companies. The biscuit will be targeted for children as well as refugees and IPDs in Ethiopia and will hopefully be scaled to also Kenya and Uganda.

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